Direct Mail

The creative team has 20+ years in developing messaging, creative formats, and test strategies.

Successful campaigns use formats that include letter, snap packs, postcards and “lumpy mail”.

Best Community Solar Deals

Traffic to the site is driven by hyper-local Direct Response Campaigns.

Field Sales

Senior Management has over 30 years of experience in traditional door-to-door sales, tabletop, and retail sales.

Sales are Third-Party Verified (TPV) and backed by our Sales QA & Compliance Staff.

Data Modeling

Proprietary Direct Mail responder models are built with over 25 years of retail energy and community solar marketing experience.

Applying univariant models optimizes marketing spend to deliver low CTAs.

Digital Sales

Our digital strategies are based on over 5 years of campaigns.

Direct Response models are used to target “likely responders”. CLICK, OPEN and CONVERSION rates rank amongst the highest in the industry.

Have a farm to fill?

Our clients rely on Partner Energy Group to meet their Cost to Acquire and Acquisition Goals. We fill farms fast with high-quality customers.